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Treat Dystonia like an expert

Every therapist treating patients with Dystonia should use these 3 treatment tips for successful outcomes.

This free guide will give you the evidence based tools you need to confidently treat all types of Dystonia so that you can give your patient's the results they want to see!


Get your copy now!

Get your FND Assessment Cheat Sheet

Exactly what you need to get focus your FND evaluations! Get a handy cheat sheet with a list of go to assessments and our customizable framework for simplifying complex FND cases!

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Get your Otolith Assessment Cheat Sheet

Exactly what you need to get unstuck in complex dizziness!  Get a handy cheat sheet with tips to get started with Otolith assessment. 

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Start learning about your client's unique sensory system now!


Clinicians, are you struggling to move forward with a client and thinking they may have some sensory differences?

Get started with learning to know that this is a worthwhile rabbit hole to run down by using our easy to use guide!

Sensory Assessment, and identifying differences in the sensory system, is the first step to opening new doors for treatment.

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Free Short Educational Videos

Our educational videos will provide bytes of practical, evidence based treatment tips, diagnosis specific information, and ways to upping your practice level to help those with complex cases and rare diagnoses.

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