re+active education
Go from unsure to fully equipped in the assessment and treatment of Dystonia
Get the Course!
The Neuro Rehab Professional's guide to the most effective and up-to-date evaluation and treatment strategies for your patients diagnosed with any form of Dystonia.
Presented by Julie Hershberg, PT, DPT, NCS + Chelsea Richardson PT, DPT, NCS
On Demand Course (2 hours/0.2 CEUs)
How do you feel when you see this on your new patient referral form?
→ "DX: Dystonia - Eval & Treat"
... Are you 100% confident you know how to assess them thoroughly?
... Do you have a toolbag full of versitile, highly effective treatment techniques?
If yes, congratulations! You've achieved neuro rehab nirvana.
If not - and like most you still get a tad apprehensive about that upcoming Dystonia evaluation - you're in the right place.

We've created a complete guide to dystonia evaluation and treatment that goes beyond the basics and addresses...
The essential sensory testing you need to be doing (with video demonstrations) with every patient with dystonia
How to classify sensory disorders effectively and translate them into effective treatment techniques
Which outcome measures best reveal deficits associated with dystonia
How to perform and document the JPE and subjective visual vertical (SVV) testing
The subjective portion of your examination (including patient handouts to set them up for success)
Components of an effective movement analysis (so you don't waste your time on tests that don't matter)
How to integrate Learning Based Sensorimotor Techniques (LBSMT) into your patient's treatment plan
How to use a multitude of treatment techniques including:
sensory tricks,
postural re-edu,
mirror therapy,
weighted vests,
manual techniques,
...and more!
With each module of the course, you'll have an interactive reflection sheet as well as two interactive patient cases to practice your new skills.

Course Objectives:
Identify common sensory, motor control, autonomic and lifestyle deficits in clients with dystonia
Design a comprehensive and evidence based treatment program based on assessment findings
Implement sensory and autonomic training into a treatment program.
Collaborate with other healthcare providers to optimize outcomes.
Online Course Schedule
30 min - Introduction and background to the neuroscience of dystonia
30 min - dystonia assessment and treatment framework
30 min - treatment applications for different types of dystonia
30 min - case application and discussion
Course Duration: 2 hours/0.2 CEU units
PLUS a bonus resource section that has all the tools you need
- Dystonia Questionnaire & Objective Measures Toolkit (9 in total)
- Cervical Dystonia - Evaluation Cheat-Sheet (PDF)
- Cervical Dystonia - Treatment Cheat-Sheet (PDF)
- LBSMT Patient Information Sheet (PDF)
- Goal sheet to use with your dystonia patients (PDF)
- JPE Instructions and forms - Cheat-Sheets (PDF)
- SVV Instructions and forms - Cheat-Sheets (PDF)
- 2 Point Discrimination Norms - Cheat-Sheet (PDF)
- 10 meter walk in Dystonia - Cheat Sheet (PDF)
PSFS Instructions and form - Cheat-Sheet (PDF) and video - Comprehensive Dystonia Reference list (PDF)
- Online Resource list for you and your patients (PDF)

I learned that each person with dystonia presents in such an individualized way and I think this is also a good reminder when it comes to other diagnoses too. I learned how to more systematically evaluate and treat a patient with dystonia and feel I have many resources to kickstart increasing my learning and knowledge of treating this patient population. - K.L. A Physical Therapist

Really set a very nice frame work for the setup and treatment for dystonia. Still may not feel 100% confident, but feel I have the tools in my toolbox to work towards that confidence! - B.D. A Physical Therapist
Learn from these two Dystonia obsessed ladies!

Chelsea Richardson is a board-certified neurologic clinical specialist physical therapist based out of Los Angeles, California working at re+active therapy, an outpatient clinic that specializes in integrated neurologic physical therapy, occupational therapy, psychotherapy and wellness services. She completed her doctoral studies at University of Southern California in 2016. She has a passion for working with complex movement disorders and completed the Schmidt Movement Disorders Fellowship in 2017. She continues to mentor physical therapists and doctor of physical therapy students in the area of movement disorders as the current director of the Schmidt Movement Disorders Fellowship.
Julie Hershberg has practiced in all settings in the neuro world including acute, inpatient rehab, home health, clinical research, community re-integration, tele-health and outpatient private practice. She started the only neurology-based fellowship program in the world, the Schmidt Movement Disorders Fellowship, 6 years ago. She mentors, teaches and supports PTs internationally in their clinical growth. In addition, she started and runs re+active physical therapy & wellness, an outpatient neurology therapy and fitness practice in the Los Angeles area. She has gained a lot of business expertise while on the up and down journey of private practice ownership and loves to share lessons learned and help others get started. Most importantly, she adores patient care and mentoring. She was honored with the 2019 Award for Clinical Excellence in Neurology by the ANPT and the 2020 APTA Henry O. and Florence P. Kendall Award. Known for her creativity, enthusiasm and fun in the classroom, she has received several teaching awards at the University of Southern California, as well. Passionate to the core, she been sharing weekly videos and neuro nuggets with the world for years and loves the community of therapists who share her enthusiasm.